Services Offered in South Windsor CT

Relief Today in South Windsor CT… Function For Life!
How much treatment you need in South Windsor CT varies from patient to patient and also depends upon their health condition or complaint. Ultimately, we will recommend what type of care we think is best, and it is up to you to decide how you would like to proceed.
Relief Care:
Most of the new patients that call our office do so because they are in pain. The pain may be limiting their ability to go to work or do the things they enjoy. Relief care focuses on making the acute pain go away as fast as possible. The time it may take to feel better may vary from one visit to several weeks, depending on a patients unique set of circumstances. In addition to adjusting the spine to help it move better, during this phase of treatment we may use therapy such as ice, ultrasound or electrical muscle stimulation to reduce pain, muscle spasm and inflammation.
During this phase of treatment we typically see patients less often and prescribe therapeutic exercises or stretches to help the injured area become stronger and more flexible. Some of these exercises are done at our office, but most can be performed at home. It is common for back injuries to reoccur. Transitioning a patient to home exercises is one of the best ways for them to prevent future flare-ups.
Wellness & Maintenance Care:
Once they are feeling better, many patients elect to return to our office on a regular basis in order to maintain a high level of function. Similar to a cavity developing in a tooth, pain usually doesn't begin to develop until the problem is well under way. When a joint initially becomes restricted or gets out of alignment it may not always be painful. Scheduling a periodic check-up is the best way to nip small problems in the bud and preventing them from becoming bigger issues. Visit South Windsor Neck & Back today.
9:00am - 5:30pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm
9:00am - 5:30pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm
9:00am - 5:30pm
South Windsor Neck & Back
1330 Sullivan Ave STE 2
South Windsor, CT 06074